Income-Tax Department, Ministry of Finance, GoI
आयकर विभाग, वित्त मंत्रालय, भारत सरकार
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Accounting as a Measurement Discipline , Valuation Principles and Accounting Estimates part 1 . DTRTI Lucknow Webinar by Arvind Mishra; - .

Accounting as a Measurement Discipline , Valuation Principles and Accounting Estimates part 2 . DTRTI Lucknow Webinar by Arvind Mishra; - .

Accounting Concepts ,Principles and Conventions part 1 . DTRTI Lucknow Webinar by Arvind Mishra; - .

Accounting Concepts ,Principles and Conventions part 2 . DTRTI Lucknow Webinar by Arvind Mishra; - .

Accounting Concepts ,Principles and Conventions part 3 . DTRTI Lucknow Webinar by Arvind Mishra; - .

Accounting Policies . DTRTI Lucknow Webinar by Arvind Mishra; - .

Accounting Procedures: Journal Entries part 1 . DTRTI Lucknow Webinar by Arvind Mishra; - .

Accounting Procedures: Journal Entries part 2 . DTRTI Lucknow Webinar by Arvind Mishra; - .

Accounting Procedures: Journal Entries part 3 . DTRTI Lucknow Webinar by Arvind Mishra; - .

Accounting Procedures: Ledger part 1 . DTRTI Lucknow Webinar by Arvind Mishra; - .

Accounting Procedures: Ledger part 2 . DTRTI Lucknow Webinar by Arvind Mishra; - .

Accounting Procedures: Trial balance . DTRTI Lucknow Webinar by Arvind Mishra; - .

Accounts of Manufacturing Enteties . DTRTI Lucknow Webinar by Arvind Mishra; - .

Accounts of Manufacturing Entities-1 . DTRTI Lucknow Webinar by Arvind Mishra; - .

Accounts of Non- Manufacturing Entities-2 . DTRTI Lucknow Webinar by Arvind Mishra; - .

Accounts of Non- Manufacturing Entities - 2 . DTRTI Lucknow Webinar by Arvind Mishra; - .

Accounts of Non- Manufacturing Entities - 3 . DTRTI Lucknow Webinar by Arvind Mishra; - .

Accounts of Non- Manufacturing Entities - 4 . DTRTI Lucknow Webinar by Arvind Mishra; - .

Accounts of Non- Manufacturing Entities - 5 . DTRTI Lucknow Webinar by Arvind Mishra; - .

Accounts of Non- Manufacturing Entities - Balance Sheet . DTRTI Lucknow Webinar by Arvind Mishra; - .

Addition for Bonus shares – Section 56(2)(vii)- ITAT explains Law . Case Law DCIT Vs Veena Goyal (ITAT Jaipur); - .

Asian-Pacific Law & Policy Journal . ; - .

ASIAN JOURNAL OF MANAGEMENT CASES . (Free with Print Journal); - .

Assessment Order can’t erroneous merely for reason that PCIT doesn’t agree with view taken by AO . ITAT grants relief to Tata Housing; - .

Bank Reconciliation Statement -1 . DTRTI Lucknow Webinar by Arvind Mishra; - .

Bank Reconciliation Statement -2 . DTRTI Lucknow Webinar by Arvind Mishra; - .

Bank Reconciliation Statement -3 . DTRTI Lucknow Webinar by Arvind Mishra; - .

Bank Reconciliation Statement -4 . DTRTI Lucknow Webinar by Arvind Mishra; - .

Bank Reconciliation Statement -5 . DTRTI Lucknow Webinar by Arvind Mishra; - .

Bank Reconciliation Statement 1 . DTRTI Lucknow Webinar by Arvind Mishra; - .

Bank Reconciliation Statement 2 . DTRTI Lucknow Webinar by Arvind Mishra; - .

Bank Reconciliation Statement 3 . DTRTI Lucknow Webinar by Arvind Mishra; - .

Bills of Exchange and Promissory Notes-1 . DTRTI Lucknow Webinar by Arvind Mishra; - .

Bills of Exchange and Promissory Notes-2 . DTRTI Lucknow Webinar by Arvind Mishra; - .

Bills of Exchange and Promissory Notes-3 . DTRTI Lucknow Webinar by Arvind Mishra; - .

Bills of Exchange and Promissory Notes-4 . DTRTI Lucknow Webinar by Arvind Mishra; - .

Bills of Exchange and Promissory Notes-5 . DTRTI Lucknow Webinar by Arvind Mishra; - .

Black Money Act section 01 to 08 . DTRTI Lucknow Webinar by Arvind Mishra; - .

Black Money Act section 03 to 11 . DTRTI Lucknow Webinar by Arvind Mishra; - .

Black Money Act section 12 to 17 . DTRTI Lucknow Webinar by Arvind Mishra; - .

Black Money Act section 19 to 26 . DTRTI Lucknow Webinar by Arvind Mishra; - .

Black Money Act section 27 to 33 . DTRTI Lucknow Webinar by Arvind Mishra; - .

Black Money Act section 34 to 47 . DTRTI Lucknow Webinar by Arvind Mishra; - .

Black Money Act section 48 to 58 . DTRTI Lucknow Webinar by Arvind Mishra; - .

Black Money Act section 59 to 72 . DTRTI Lucknow Webinar by Arvind Mishra; - .

Black Money Rules section 01 to 03 . DTRTI Lucknow Webinar by Arvind Mishra; - .

Black Money Rules section 04 to 15 . DTRTI Lucknow Webinar by Arvind Mishra; - .

Brooke Bond case SC . DTRTI Lucknow Webinar by Arvind Mishra; - .

Capital and Revenue Part 1 . DTRTI Lucknow Webinar by Arvind Mishra; - .

Capital and Revenue Part 2 . DTRTI Lucknow Webinar by Arvind Mishra; - .

CAPITAL MARKET . Online Edition; - .

Capitaline Database . ; - .

Carry Forward and Set-off of Losses: Revision . DTRTI Lucknow Webinar by Arvind Mishra; - .

Case Law CIT TVM Vs Anand Theatre part 2 . DTRTI Lucknow Webinar by Arvind Mishra; - .

Cash Book . DTRTI Lucknow Webinar by Arvind Mishra; - .

cash book part 1 . DTRTI Lucknow Webinar by Arvind Mishra; - .

cash book part 2 . DTRTI Lucknow Webinar by Arvind Mishra; - .

Cato Journal . ; - .

Chapter 1 of the Income Tax Act, 1961 . DTRTI Lucknow Webinar by Arvind Mishra; - .

Chapter 3 of the Income Tax Act, 1961 . DTRTI Lucknow Webinar by Arvind Mishra; - .

chapter 3 sec 13 ,13A, 13B of Income Tax Act 1961 . DTRTI Lucknow Webinar by Arvind Mishra; - .

Chapter 3 section 11 of Income Tax Act, 1961 . DTRTI Lucknow Webinar by Arvind Mishra; - .

Chapter 5 of the Income Tax Act, 1961 . DTRTI Lucknow Webinar by Arvind Mishra; - .

Chapter I of the Income Tax Act, 1961 . DTRTI Lucknow Webinar by Arvind Mishra; - .

Chapter II of the Income Tax Act, 1961 . DTRTI Lucknow Webinar by Arvind Mishra; - .

Chapter V of the Income Tax Act, 1961 . DTRTI Lucknow Webinar by Arvind Mishra; - .

Chapter VI and VIII of the Income Tax Act, 1961 . DTRTI Lucknow Webinar by Arvind Mishra; - .

Chapter VI of the Indian Contract Act . DTRTI Lucknow Webinar by Arvind Mishra; - .

Chapter XII EB of the Income Tax Act, 1961 . DTRTI Lucknow Webinar by Arvind Mishra; - .

CISCO Webex desktop app - TOT Webinar . DTRTI Lucknow Webinar by Arvind Mishra; - .

CIT TVM Vs Anand Theatre 3 . DTRTI Lucknow Webinar by Arvind Mishra; - .

Concepts, Principles and Conventions of Accounting . DTRTI Lucknow Webinar by Arvind Mishra; - .

Configuration of Name based e-mail on mobile . DTRTI Lucknow Webinar by Arvind Mishra; - .

Configuration of Name based e-mail on Outlook . DTRTI Lucknow Webinar by Arvind Mishra; - .

Consignment Accounts-1 . DTRTI Lucknow Webinar by Arvind Mishra; - .

Consignment Accounts-2 . DTRTI Lucknow Webinar by Arvind Mishra; - .

Consignment Accounts-3 . DTRTI Lucknow Webinar by Arvind Mishra; - .

Consignment Accounts-4 . DTRTI Lucknow Webinar by Arvind Mishra; - .

Consignment Accounts-5 . DTRTI Lucknow Webinar by Arvind Mishra; - .

Contingent Assets and Contingent liabilities . DTRTI Lucknow Webinar by Arvind Mishra; - .

CONTRIBUTIONS TO INDIAN SOCIOLOGY . (Free with Print Journal); - .

Current Science . ; - .

DAKSH Trainer Login . DTRTI Lucknow Webinar by Arvind Mishra; - .

DAKSH Trainer Login-1 . DTRTI Lucknow Webinar by Arvind Mishra; - .

DALAL STREET Investment Journal . MAGAZINE (free with print magazine); - .

Depreciation Accounting- 3 . DTRTI Lucknow Webinar by Arvind Mishra; - .

Depreciation Accounting - 1 . DTRTI Lucknow Webinar by Arvind Mishra; - .

Depreciation Accounting - 2 . DTRTI Lucknow Webinar by Arvind Mishra; - .

Depreciation Accounting - 3 . DTRTI Lucknow Webinar by Arvind Mishra; - .

Depreciation Accounting - 4 . DTRTI Lucknow Webinar by Arvind Mishra; - .

Depreciation Accounting 1 . DTRTI Lucknow Webinar by Arvind Mishra; - .

Depreciation Accounting 2 . DTRTI Lucknow Webinar by Arvind Mishra; - .

Depreciation Accounting 3 . DTRTI Lucknow Webinar by Arvind Mishra; - .

Down to Earth . ; - .

DTRTI Lucknow Webinars . by Shri Arvind Mishra; - .

Dynamics of Public Administration . ; - .

Economic and Political Weekly . ; - .


Ethics & Global Politics . ; - .

Faceless Assessment Notification - 1 . DTRTI Lucknow Webinar by Arvind Mishra; - .

Faceless Assessment Notification - 2 . DTRTI Lucknow Webinar by Arvind Mishra; - .

Feature films . ; - .

Final Accounts of Non manufacturing Entities-1 . DTRTI Lucknow Webinar by Arvind Mishra; - .

Final Accounts of Non manufacturing Entities-2 . DTRTI Lucknow Webinar by Arvind Mishra; - .

Final Accounts of Non manufacturing Entities-3 . DTRTI Lucknow Webinar by Arvind Mishra; - .

Final Accounts of Non manufacturing Entities-4 . DTRTI Lucknow Webinar by Arvind Mishra; - .

FOREIGN TRADE REVIEW . (Free with Print Journal); - .

GLOBAL BUSINESS REVIEW . (Free with Print Journal); - .


Income Tax Act 1961: Chapter I Part 1 . DTRTI Lucknow Webinar by Arvind Mishra; - .

Income Tax Act 1961: Chapter I Part 2 . DTRTI Lucknow Webinar by Arvind Mishra; - .

Income Tax Case Laws - Section Wise . ; - .



INDIAN HISTORICAL REVIEW . (Free with Print Journal); - .

Indian Journal of Constitutional Law . ; - .


Introduction to Accounting Standards . DTRTI Lucknow Webinar by Arvind Mishra; - .

Inventory and valuation -1 . DTRTI Lucknow Webinar by Arvind Mishra; - .

Inventory and valuation -2 . DTRTI Lucknow Webinar by Arvind Mishra; - .

Inventory and valuation -3 . DTRTI Lucknow Webinar by Arvind Mishra; - .

Journal entries -1 . DTRTI Lucknow Webinar by Arvind Mishra; - .

Journal entries(3) and Ledger entries(1) . DTRTI Lucknow Webinar by Arvind Mishra; - .

Journal entry and Ledger posting . DTRTI Lucknow Webinar by Arvind Mishra; - .

JOURNAL OF EMERGING MARKET FINANCE . (Free with Print Journal); - .

JOURNAL OF HUMAN VALUES . (Free with Print Journal); - .


Journal of Management Research . ; - .

Kelvinator India SC case . DTRTI Lucknow Webinar by Arvind Mishra; - .

Manupatra Online Database . Legal, Taxation, Corporate and Business Policy Database; - .

Meaning and Scope of Accounting . DTRTI Lucknow Webinar by Arvind Mishra; - .

Meaning and Scope of Accounting part 1 . DTRTI Lucknow Webinar by Arvind Mishra; - .

Meaning and Scope of Accounting part 2 . DTRTI Lucknow Webinar by Arvind Mishra; - .

Meaning and Scope of Accounting part 3 . DTRTI Lucknow Webinar by Arvind Mishra; - .

NADT TOT Webinar . DTRTI Lucknow Webinar by Arvind Mishra; - .

National Digital Library . ; - .


OECD Library . ; - .

Pressreader . Sub. Period - 1st Oct. 2024 to 30th Sept. 2025; - .

Project Gutenberg . ; - .

Prowess for Interactive Online Database . ; - .

Rectification of Errors - 1 . DTRTI Lucknow Webinar by Arvind Mishra; - .

Rectification of Errors - 2 . DTRTI Lucknow Webinar by Arvind Mishra; - .

Rectification of Errors - 3 . DTRTI Lucknow Webinar by Arvind Mishra; - .

Rectification of Errors 3 . DTRTI Lucknow Webinar by Arvind Mishra; - .

Rectification of Errors part 1 . DTRTI Lucknow Webinar by Arvind Mishra; - .

Rectification of Errors part 2 . DTRTI Lucknow Webinar by Arvind Mishra; - .

Rule 01 to 13 of Second Schedule of Income Tax Act, 1961 . DTRTI Lucknow Webinar by Arvind Mishra; - .

Rule 03 of Income Tax Rules . DTRTI Lucknow Webinar by Arvind Mishra; - .

Rule 13 to 24 of Second Schedule of Income Tax Act, 1961 . DTRTI Lucknow Webinar by Arvind Mishra; - .

Rule 23 to 42 of Second Schedule of Income Tax Act, 1961 . DTRTI Lucknow Webinar by Arvind Mishra; - .

Rule 42 to 62 of Second Schedule of Income Tax Act, 1961 . DTRTI Lucknow Webinar by Arvind Mishra; - .

Rule 60 to 68 of Second Schedule of Income Tax Act, 1961 . DTRTI Lucknow Webinar by Arvind Mishra; - .

Rule 69 to 81 of Second Schedule of Income Tax Act, 1961 . DTRTI Lucknow Webinar by Arvind Mishra; - .

Rule 81 to 92 of Second Schedule and Rule 01 to 12 of ITCP Rules . DTRTI Lucknow Webinar by Arvind Mishra; - .

Rules 14 to 26 of ITCP Rules . DTRTI Lucknow Webinar by Arvind Mishra; - .

Rules 26 to 44 of ITCP Rules . DTRTI Lucknow Webinar by Arvind Mishra; - .

Rules 40 to 62 of ITCP Rules . DTRTI Lucknow Webinar by Arvind Mishra; - .

SC case CIT Tvm Vs Anand Theatre 1 . DTRTI Lucknow Webinar by Arvind Mishra; - .

SC Case of Challapalli Sugars vs cit . DTRTI Lucknow Webinar by Arvind Mishra; - .

SC Cases shambhunath inv & U P forest corpn . DTRTI Lucknow Webinar by Arvind Mishra; - .

SC cases Tuticorin alkali & saheli leasing . DTRTI Lucknow Webinar by Arvind Mishra; - .

section 1 to 13 of Indian Contract Act . DTRTI Lucknow Webinar by Arvind Mishra; - .

Section 10, 11, 12, 13, 23C of the Income Tax Act, 1961 . DTRTI Lucknow Webinar by Arvind Mishra; - .

Section 10, 13A and 14 of Income Tax Act, 1961 and Rule 3A of Income Tax Rules . DTRTI Lucknow Webinar by Arvind Mishra; - .

Section 110 to 112 of the Income Tax Act, 1961 . DTRTI Lucknow Webinar by Arvind Mishra; - .

Section 110, 86, 67A and 115A of the Income Tax Act, 1961 . DTRTI Lucknow Webinar by Arvind Mishra; - .

Section 115AB to 115B of the Income Tax Act, 1961 . DTRTI Lucknow Webinar by Arvind Mishra; - .

Section 115BA to 115BAB of the Income Tax Act, 1961 . DTRTI Lucknow Webinar by Arvind Mishra; - .

Section 115BAC to 115BBG of the Income Tax Act, 1961 . DTRTI Lucknow Webinar by Arvind Mishra; - .

Section 116 to 120 of the Income Tax Act, 1961 . DTRTI Lucknow Webinar by Arvind Mishra; - .

section 13 to 19A of Indian Contract Act . DTRTI Lucknow Webinar by Arvind Mishra; - .

Section 132 of the Income Tax Act, 1961 . DTRTI Lucknow Webinar by Arvind Mishra; - .

Section 132A and 132B of the Income Tax Act, 1961 . DTRTI Lucknow Webinar by Arvind Mishra; - .

Section 133 and 133A of the Income Tax Act, 1961 . DTRTI Lucknow Webinar by Arvind Mishra; - .

Section 133B to 136 of the Income Tax Act, 1961 . DTRTI Lucknow Webinar by Arvind Mishra; - .

Section 139 and 139A of the Income Tax Act, 1961 . DTRTI Lucknow Webinar by Arvind Mishra; - .

Section 139A Rule 12 of Income Tax Rules . DTRTI Lucknow Webinar by Arvind Mishra; - .

Section 139B to 142 of the Income Tax Act, 1961 . DTRTI Lucknow Webinar by Arvind Mishra; - .

Section 14, 14A and 15 of the Income Tax Act, 1961 . DTRTI Lucknow Webinar by Arvind Mishra; - .

Section 143 of the Income Tax Act, 1961 . DTRTI Lucknow Webinar by Arvind Mishra; - .

Section 144A to 144BA of the Income Tax Act, 1961 . DTRTI Lucknow Webinar by Arvind Mishra; - .

Section 145 to 147 of the Income Tax Act, 1961 . DTRTI Lucknow Webinar by Arvind Mishra; - .

Section 148 to 153 of the Income Tax Act, 1961 . DTRTI Lucknow Webinar by Arvind Mishra; - .

Section 15 and 17 of Income Tax Act, 1961 . DTRTI Lucknow Webinar by Arvind Mishra; - .

Section 152A to 153D of the Income Tax Act, 1961 . DTRTI Lucknow Webinar by Arvind Mishra; - .

Section 153 of the Income Tax Act, 1961 . DTRTI Lucknow Webinar by Arvind Mishra; - .

Section 153B and 153C of the Income Tax Act, 1961 . DTRTI Lucknow Webinar by Arvind Mishra; - .

Section 154 and 155 of the Income Tax Act, 1961 . DTRTI Lucknow Webinar by Arvind Mishra; - .

Section 156 to 161 of the Income Tax Act, 1961 . DTRTI Lucknow Webinar by Arvind Mishra; - .

Section 160 to 164 of the Income Tax Act, 1961 . DTRTI Lucknow Webinar by Arvind Mishra; - .

Section 167A to 170 of the Income Tax Act, 1961 . DTRTI Lucknow Webinar by Arvind Mishra; - .

Section 171 to 174A of the Income Tax Act, 1961 . DTRTI Lucknow Webinar by Arvind Mishra; - .

Section 175 to 179 of the Income Tax Act, 1961 . DTRTI Lucknow Webinar by Arvind Mishra; - .

section 18 to 23 of Black money Act . DTRTI Lucknow Webinar by Arvind Mishra; - .

Section 180 to 189A of the Income Tax Act, 1961 . DTRTI Lucknow Webinar by Arvind Mishra; - .

Section 180ID to 80P of the Income Tax Act, 1961 . DTRTI Lucknow Webinar by Arvind Mishra; - .

Section 194N and 196A of the Income Tax Act, 1961 . DTRTI Lucknow Webinar by Arvind Mishra; - .

Section 195A and 197A of the Income Tax Act, 1961 . DTRTI Lucknow Webinar by Arvind Mishra; - .

section 19A to 28 of Indian Contract Act . DTRTI Lucknow Webinar by Arvind Mishra; - .

Section 206C of the Income Tax Act, 1961 . DTRTI Lucknow Webinar by Arvind Mishra; - .

Section 206C of the Income Tax Act, 1961-2 . DTRTI Lucknow Webinar by Arvind Mishra; - .

Section 211 to 220 of the Income Tax Act, 1961 . DTRTI Lucknow Webinar by Arvind Mishra; - .

Section 218 to 226 of the Income Tax Act, 1961 . DTRTI Lucknow Webinar by Arvind Mishra; - .

Section 221 to 226 of the Income Tax Act, 1961 . DTRTI Lucknow Webinar by Arvind Mishra; - .

Section 226 to 230 of the Income Tax Act, 1961 . DTRTI Lucknow Webinar by Arvind Mishra; - .

Section 226A and 248 of Income Tax Act, 1961 . DTRTI Lucknow Webinar by Arvind Mishra; - .

Section 226CB to 210 of the Income Tax Act, 1961 . DTRTI Lucknow Webinar by Arvind Mishra; - .

Section 230 to 234A of the Income Tax Act, 1961 . DTRTI Lucknow Webinar by Arvind Mishra; - .

Section 234B to 234G of the Income Tax Act, 1961 . DTRTI Lucknow Webinar by Arvind Mishra; - .

section 29 to 32(1) of the Income Tax Act, 1961 . DTRTI Lucknow Webinar by Arvind Mishra; - .

Section 45 of the Income Tax Act, 1961 . DTRTI Lucknow Webinar by Arvind Mishra; - .

section 46 and 47 of the Income Tax Act, 1961 . DTRTI Lucknow Webinar by Arvind Mishra; - .

Section 47 of the Income Tax Act, 1961 . DTRTI Lucknow Webinar by Arvind Mishra; - .

Section 47, 48 and 112A of the Income Tax Act, 1961 . DTRTI Lucknow Webinar by Arvind Mishra; - .

Section 48 and 49 of the Income Tax Act, 1961-1 . DTRTI Lucknow Webinar by Arvind Mishra; - .

Section 49(2AG) to 49(6) of the Income Tax Act, 1961 . DTRTI Lucknow Webinar by Arvind Mishra; - .

Section 50 to 50C of the Income Tax Act, 1961 . DTRTI Lucknow Webinar by Arvind Mishra; - .

Section 50C to 51 of the Income Tax Act, 1961 . DTRTI Lucknow Webinar by Arvind Mishra; - .

section 51 to 56 of Indian Contract Act . DTRTI Lucknow Webinar by Arvind Mishra; - .

Section 54B to 54EE of the Income Tax Act, 1961 . DTRTI Lucknow Webinar by Arvind Mishra; - .

Section 54F and 54G of the Income Tax Act, 1961 . DTRTI Lucknow Webinar by Arvind Mishra; - .

Section 55 and 55A of the Income Tax Act, 1961 . DTRTI Lucknow Webinar by Arvind Mishra; - .

Section 57 to 72 of the Indian Contract Act . DTRTI Lucknow Webinar by Arvind Mishra; - .

Section 80A to 80CA of the Income Tax Act, 1961 . DTRTI Lucknow Webinar by Arvind Mishra; - .

Section 80CCD to 80E of the Income Tax Act, 1961 . DTRTI Lucknow Webinar by Arvind Mishra; - .

Section 80EE to 80G of the Income Tax Act, 1961 . DTRTI Lucknow Webinar by Arvind Mishra; - .

Section 80G of the Income Tax Act, 1961 . DTRTI Lucknow Webinar by Arvind Mishra; - .

Section 80GG to 80HHF of the Income Tax Act, 1961 . DTRTI Lucknow Webinar by Arvind Mishra; - .

Section 80I to 80IAC of the Income Tax Act, 1961 . DTRTI Lucknow Webinar by Arvind Mishra; - .

Section 80IAC to 80IB of the Income Tax Act, 1961 . DTRTI Lucknow Webinar by Arvind Mishra; - .

Section 80IB to 80IC of the Income Tax Act, 1961 . DTRTI Lucknow Webinar by Arvind Mishra; - .

Section 80P to 80RRB of the Income Tax Act, 1961 . DTRTI Lucknow Webinar by Arvind Mishra; - .

Section 80TTA and Chapter VIA of the Income Tax Act, 1961 . DTRTI Lucknow Webinar by Arvind Mishra; - .

Section 9 of the Income Tax Act, 1961 . DTRTI Lucknow Webinar by Arvind Mishra; - .

Section 9 of the Income Tax Act, 1961-part 1 . DTRTI Lucknow Webinar by Arvind Mishra; - .

Section 9(i) of the Income Tax Act, 1961 . DTRTI Lucknow Webinar by Arvind Mishra; - .

Section 9(vii) and 9(viii) of Income tax Act, 1961 . DTRTI Lucknow Webinar by Arvind Mishra; - .

Section 9A of the Income Tax Act, 1961 . DTRTI Lucknow Webinar by Arvind Mishra; - .

Siddhant - A Journal of Decision Making . A Journal of Decision Making; - .

SOUTH ASIA ECONOMIC JOURNAL . (Free with Print Journal); - .

SOUTH ASIA RESEARCH . (Free with Print Journal); - .


SSRN . ; - .

STUDIES IN HISTORY . (Free with Print Journal); - .

STUDIES IN MICROECONOMICS . (Free with Print Journal); - .

Subsidiary Books . DTRTI Lucknow Webinar by Arvind Mishra; - .

Subsidiary Books Part 1 . DTRTI Lucknow Webinar by Arvind Mishra; - .

Subsidiary Books Part 2 . DTRTI Lucknow Webinar by Arvind Mishra; - . : ITR Module & ITR (Tri.) Module . ITR Module & ITR (Tri.) Module Subscription; - .

Taxmann : 1. Income Tax Module 2. International Taxation Module 3. Transfer Pricing Module . Taxmann Subscription; - .

TaxSutra . ; - .

TAXSUTRA : Direct Tax Portal . DIRECT TAX PORTAL; - .

TDS Webinar . DTRTI Lucknow Webinar by Arvind Mishra; - .

The Journal of Open Law, Technology & Society . ; - .

THE MEDIEVAL HISTORY JOURNAL . (Free with Print Journal); - .

The prohibition of Benami Property Transactions Act, 1988 . DTRTI Lucknow Webinar by Arvind Mishra; - .

Training & Development Journal . ; - .

Training Material of DTRTI Kolkata . ; - .

Transfer of Property Act: Section 27 . DTRTI Lucknow Webinar by Arvind Mishra; - .

Transfer of Property Act: Section 44 and section 57 . DTRTI Lucknow Webinar by Arvind Mishra; - .

Transfer of Property Act: Section 58 . DTRTI Lucknow Webinar by Arvind Mishra; - .



Webinars by DTRTI Chennai . ; - .

Webinars of DTRTI Kolkata and connected MSTUs . ; - .

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The National Academy of Direct Taxes is the apex training institution of the Officers and Staff of the Direct Taxes Administration in India which includes Officers from Indian Revenue Service IRS working in the Government of India. The Academy imparts proficiency in core competency areas, disseminates information about the best of academics and practices and provides an international perspective, high quality professional capabilities and cultural sensitivities to officers. This cluster of e-Granthalaya provides catalog access of all the libraries which are using NIC software for Automation.

राष्ट्रीय प्रत्यक्ष कर अकादमी भारत में प्रत्यक्ष कर प्रशासन के अधिकारियों और कर्मचारियों का सर्वोच्च प्रशिक्षण संस्थान है जिसमें भारत सरकार में कार्यरत भारतीय राजस्व सेवा आईआरएस के अधिकारी शामिल हैं। अकादमी मुख्य योग्यता क्षेत्रों में प्रवीणता प्रदान करती है, शिक्षाविदों और प्रथाओं के सर्वोत्तम के बारे में जानकारी का प्रसार करती है और अधिकारियों को एक अंतरराष्ट्रीय परिप्रेक्ष्य, उच्च गुणवत्ता वाली व्यावसायिक क्षमताओं और सांस्कृतिक संवेदनशीलता प्रदान करती है। ई-ग्रन्थालय का यह समूह उन सभी पुस्तकालयों की कैटलॉग पहुँच प्रदान करता है जो स्वचालन के लिए एनआईसी सॉफ्टवेयर का उपयोग कर रहे हैं।

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