About Library
Shri Vishwakarma Skill University came into existence as an autonomous body by an Act 25 of 2016 of State Legislative Assembly of Haryana. The Central Library of the University began its existence in July 2017 since then it has grown in size and contents along with the university to take the present shape. The university library is playing role as the lifeline for the academic activities. At present, it stands as a modern library with a lot of automation and networking facilities.
It has rich collection of technical, management and applied sciences subjects in form of text, reference, online resources as e-books, e-journals, e-thesis, e-tutorials, Audio lectures, video lectures, images, motion pictures etc.
Central Library has fully air-conditioned building with modern infrastructure, It subscribe national and international journals, e-books, e-newspapers, magazines in CD /DVD / online format.
श्री विश्वकर्मा कौशल विश्वविद्यालय का केंद्रीय पुस्तकालय एक आधुनिक पुस्तकालय है जो उपयोगकर्ताओं के लिए विभिन्न प्रकार की पुस्तकालय संबंधी सेवाएं प्रदान करता है। केंद्रीय पुस्तकालय ई-ग्रंथालय सॉफ्टवेयर के माध्यम से पूरी तरह से स्वचालित है।
केन्द्रीय पुस्तकालय की अपनी एक डिजिटल लाइब्रेरी है जिसमे ई-बुक्स, ई-जर्नल, ई-व्याख्यान, ई-समाचार पत्र, ई-लेख, पुराने प्रश्न पत्र, अद्यतन पाठ्यक्रम रूपरेखा, संकाय नोट्स, आदि उपलब्ध हैं।
1. To acquire, organise and update the library collection to support teaching learning process.
2. To encourage students to read beyond the requirements of the curriculum.
3. To work with faculty in integrating information skills, knowledge of information sources and the use of technology in accessing
information need to strengthen their instruction, research and extension
4. To provide instruction and assistance in the effective use of learning resources and services
Contact Details
Central Library, SVSU
केंद्रीय पुस्तकालय
Village- Dhudhola, District-Palwal, Haryana
गांव- धुधोला, जिला-पलवल, हरियाणा
Email: library[at]svsu[dot]ac[dot]in
Phone: 9557499468
Total Titles | Holdings | Members | Copies Issued |
1666 | 12350 | 4235 | 692 |
| | | |